Payday loan lenders are increasing their visibility online, and with a lot of payday loan website available on the Internet nowadays, more and more online payday loan lenders are offering more incentives and advantages to their customers to be competitive.
One of the incentives that payday loan website companies offer is a first time borrower free payday loan. This entitles anyone who will be getting a payday loan for the first time from a particular online site will not be charged with any interest or any other financial charge for that matter when getting an online payday loan.
Most payday loan website offer free payday loans so that they may be able to welcome new customers to their fold. It is designed to build trust and keep you on their list, and if you are please with the level of service that they were able to provide you, then there will be higher chances of you telling other people like your friends and family about their company.
One thing to remember when getting payday loans from a payday loan website only offer free payday loans if you will be able to pay off the debt in full on the agreed due date (you next paycheck). If you ever default on the loan and choose to extend it have it ‘roll over’ and pay until later, then you will have to be responsible in payment of the interest as well as any other charges that were incurred.
If for example, you decided to borrow $300 and were able to pay off your debt entirely on your next paycheck, then you will only have to pay the loan itself. If you decided to rollover and extend the amount of time before you pay off the loan, then you will have to pay for the interest charge that was incurred in borrowing.
Payday loans are very easy to get. It has very minimal requirements, and has no need of checking any credit on your part. No collateral is even needed for you to surrender as a guarantee that you will pay the loan. To be eligible for a payday loan, the most you will need to have is be employed for at least 2 months, be of age (19 years old), have an active checking account, be a Canadian citizen or at least a permanent resident of the country, and finally, have a phone number that you will be able to reach at. It’s all very simple.
Payday Loan Websites Are Very Convenient And Easy!
One of the benefits of a payday loan website is that you will be able to apply online, and be in the convenience of your own home. You will just have to fill out and easy to follow and secure form. Payday lenders are sure to use secure and encrypted web page forms that will give you a sense of security and prevent any untoward incidents like identity theft and fraud.
Aside from all of these conveniences, payday loan website offers no fax payday loans that will save you both time and money. As with most of the available online payday loans, the money you will borrow is going to be electronically deposited to your bank account within the next 24 hours after having your application approved. Most of the time, you may even receive it within the day of filing provided that you filed an application and are approved early.
All in all, getting payday loans from a website is a very convenient way for you to get extra cash in the event that any kind of emergency arises. However, note that you will have to pay the debt within your next paycheck, unless you specify to have the loan pay back spread over a particular number of paychecks.